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Web Safe Colors

Not all colors can be faithfully reproduced by all browsers,
When making web pages, you need to use color names or the hex numbers to designate which color to use.
To be sure you are using web-safe colors, use this color picker.

It's a snap with the Color Picker. And it's FREE!

Click here to download your FREE
copy of WebColors.exe (401K).

(For Win 95/98/00/NT/ME/XP/VISTA/WIN7/WIN8 desktop)

  • Click the color you want.

  • The color code is copied to the clipboard.

  • A solid block of the color and how it looks with text is shown above the set of options. (The one shown here is #CC3300.)

  • Click a different color if you like, to copy it to the clipboard.

  • Paste the selected color into your code with Ctrl+V.

Web-Safe Colors

Click here to download your FREE
copy of WebColors.exe (401K).

  • Download to any directory.

  • Unzip it into the directory of your choice.

  • Run WebColors.Exe

  • Create a shortcut and copy it to your desktop so that it will always be handy.

Attention Webmasters!

  • Want to provide a personalized copy of the Color Picker for your visitors?

  • One that displays your contact information instead of mine?

  • That reminds your visitors of your site each time it runs?

Send any email to:

< >

It's easy to set up. And it's FREE!

What Are Web-Safe Colors?

A color code is a set of six hexadecimal digits, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. With six digits in this number system, there are literally millions and millions of combinations available. Unfortunately, most are composites, not really colors at all. And only a few are web-safe colors.

Web-safe colors are those that will accurately display on all monitors. Other combinations will display differently on different monitors, or maybe not at all.

So Play It Safe!

Use only web-safe colors, those shown in the Color Picker above. These are called RGB colors, where R is the amount of red in the color, G the amount of green, and B the amount of blue. Each is represented by a duplicated digit in the set of hexadecimal digits.

That is, #34CB99 is not an RGB color so the way it will be displayed can not be predicted. #33CC99 is an RGB color, and is thus a web-safe color.

Use the Color Picker and you will always
know you are using web-safe colors.

click here to download your copy now!