What are "Metes & Bounds? See also Metes & Bounds
First lets be clear that no one here is a surveyor. We are software engineers implementing a surveying routine. We welcome comments and suggestions that would help make this subject more clear to our users.
Metes & Bounds are used to describe the shape and size of a plot of land. It might be useful to take these "Metes & Bounds" off a deed or property description and draw a plot from them. It might be useful to calculate the area and acreage of the described area.
Metes designates the distance of a line segment. In Home Plan Pro, the distance can be in feet/inches, Feet with decimals, or mm in metric mode. Bounds indicates the angle of the line segment. Bounds are made of three elements: a Direction must be either North or South. a Bearing must be either East or West. an Angle in degrees between 0° and 90° You can also add Minutes and Seconds for more precision.
Example: N 00 E 500' = Due North N 45 E 500' = North East N 90 E 500' = Due East You can see that this system covers two quadrants, or 180 degrees. Everything north of Due east and due west.